You are browsing the category "Brain"

Nearly 100 New Regions Identified in the Brain

Published in July in Nature, new research has identified nearly 100 previously unknown regions of the brain. This is being considered a major breakthrough in the neurosciences, offering a deeper insight into the human mind.

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CHOOSING WISELY® Campaign Sparks Conversations Between Providers and Patients

Radiation Oncology Society Recommends Avoiding Adjuvant WBRT When Treating Brain Mets

Choosing Wisely is a United States-based health educational campaign started in 2012 and led by the ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine) Foundation. The campaign seeks to improve doctor–patient relationships and promote patient-centered care by informing patients and physicians about overutilization of medical resources.

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Brain Tumor Facts for #BTAM

Did you know that nearly 700,000 people in the United States alone suffer from a primary brain or central nervous system tumor? May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month! Learn more about brain tumors with our animated infographic >>

Q&A with Isaac Yang, MD

Within moments of speaking with Isaac Yang, MD, it is clear he has excitement and passion for patients and patient education. Dr. Yang, a neurosurgeon specializing in the surgical treatment and clinical outcomes of adult brain tumors at UCLA, is an active advocate for patient education and provides many educational resources to empower patients and help them understand their treatment options. had the chance to sit down with Dr. Yang to learn more about his passion for helping patients with brain tumors, providing credible resources to educate them through their treatment process and using Brainlab technology.

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Together We Set the Course

This year, Brainlab sponsored the 2016 Chicago BT5K Breakthrough for Brain Tumors Run & Walk, the American Brain Tumor Association’s signature fundraising program. This year, the ABTA is hosting 5K events in eight states with the goal of raising $2 million for brain tumor research, patient programs and support services.

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